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Dabei seit: 25.06.04
Beiträge: 14

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jetzt funzt alles, lag an der htacesgroßes Grinsen

habe da aber noch eine frage.
ist das normal dass im wiw der google/msn-bot sich in "sonstiges" aufhält? müsste er nicht in die einzelnen threads kommen?

besten dank im voraus


01.04.05 12:52 Pikay ist offline E-Mail Finden Als Freund hinzufügen
Ste Ste ist männlich


Dabei seit: 16.01.04
Beiträge: 483
Herkunft: Bolzano (I)
Forenversion: 2.3

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da steht sonstiges, weil sich der bot auf den html seiten aufhält und nicht mehr auf den php. Das wbb kennt es nicht schreibt also darum sontiges hin
01.04.05 13:18 Ste ist offline E-Mail WWW Finden Als Freund hinzufügen

Dabei seit: 25.06.04
Beiträge: 14

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vielen dank, das erklärt einigessmile
01.04.05 19:57 Pikay ist offline E-Mail Finden Als Freund hinzufügen
Wbb-Service Team Wbb-Service Team ist männlich

Dabei seit: 26.12.04
Beiträge: 41
Forenversion: 2.1.6

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hab ein problem mit der htaccess... hab mir hier eine aus dem thread gekrallt, und dann halt mit meiner url (/html/wbb2/) abgeändert, nur dann bekomme ich immer einen serverfehler, und zwar auf JEDER seite....

Es sind noch G-Mail Accounts zu vergeben!!
Mail an:

29.04.05 22:09 Wbb-Service Team ist offline E-Mail WWW Finden Als Freund hinzufügen
OF-Shadow OF-Shadow ist männlich

Dabei seit: 18.01.04
Beiträge: 204

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Error 500? Hast Du Confixx installiert?
04.05.05 01:42 OF-Shadow ist offline E-Mail Finden Als Freund hinzufügen
Wbb-Service Team Wbb-Service Team ist männlich

Dabei seit: 26.12.04
Beiträge: 41
Forenversion: 2.1.6

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ne weißte... ich hab garnix drauf.... natürlich hab ich confixx installiert... hab jetzt übrigens auch die bestätigung von meinem hoster das mod_rewrite aktiviert ist

Es sind noch G-Mail Accounts zu vergeben!!
Mail an:

04.05.05 21:19 Wbb-Service Team ist offline E-Mail WWW Finden Als Freund hinzufügen
OF-Shadow OF-Shadow ist männlich

Dabei seit: 18.01.04
Beiträge: 204

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Es muss nicht unbedingt Confixx sein.
Es liegt an Confixx, weil ich das Problem auch hatte smile

Ich benutz den Mist aber nicht mehr, aber damals klappte es, wenn man im Confixx bei httpd-Spezial das eingetragen hat:
<Directory "/srv/www/htdocs/##user##/html">
AllowOverride All

Wobei ##user## automatisch von Confixx ersetzt wird! Den Rset musst Du selbst herausfinden, weil Du auf meine Frage ja so freundlich geantwortet hast. Augen rollen

Liebe Grüße
05.05.05 04:38 OF-Shadow ist offline E-Mail Finden Als Freund hinzufügen
Wbb-Service Team Wbb-Service Team ist männlich

Dabei seit: 26.12.04
Beiträge: 41
Forenversion: 2.1.6

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genau das gleiche steht bei mir bzw. bei meinem hoster.... (nur ##user## wurde schon vorn vorherein ersetzt durch wbbXX)

jetzt sei doch nicht gleich beleidigt Augen rollen

Es sind noch G-Mail Accounts zu vergeben!!
Mail an:

05.05.05 17:37 Wbb-Service Team ist offline E-Mail WWW Finden Als Freund hinzufügen
OF-Shadow OF-Shadow ist männlich

Dabei seit: 18.01.04
Beiträge: 204

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Probier mal unter httpd-Spezial mit dem:
<Directory "/srv/www/htdocs/##user##/html">
 Options +FollowSymLinks +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch +Multiviews
AllowOverride All

Das sollte klappen. Freude Achte aber auf das Verzeichnis bei Dircectory, das kann bei Dir schon leicht abweichen. Damit meine ich -->

<Directory "/srv/www/htdocs/##user##/html">

Bin nicht beleidigt und versuche Dir zu helfen *g* großes Grinsen

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von OF-Shadow: 06.05.05 05:21.

06.05.05 05:20 OF-Shadow ist offline E-Mail Finden Als Freund hinzufügen
Wbb-Service Team Wbb-Service Team ist männlich

Dabei seit: 26.12.04
Beiträge: 41
Forenversion: 2.1.6

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und was muss dann in einer passenden htaccess stehen?

na dann: dankeschön großes Grinsen

Es sind noch G-Mail Accounts zu vergeben!!
Mail an:

06.05.05 16:09 Wbb-Service Team ist offline E-Mail WWW Finden Als Freund hinzufügen
OF-Shadow OF-Shadow ist männlich

Dabei seit: 18.01.04
Beiträge: 204

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RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.(htm|html)$ mod_rewrite.php?file=$1

Pack die .htaccess in den Ordner, wo sie gebraucht wird, z.B wbb2, das sollt funzen!

Wenn nicht, probier die .htaccess ins Hauptverzeichnis Deines Webspace zu packen und dann mit "Rewritebase" zu arbeiten! "wbb2" ersetzt Du durch Deinen Boardordner.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /wbb2
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.(htm|html)$ mod_rewrite.php?file=$1

Viel Glück. Falls es nicht klappt kannst Du mich per MSN oder ICQ Messenger gern mal anschreiben :-) Ich bin nicht jeden Tag hier, wie man sieht....
10.05.05 09:45 OF-Shadow ist offline E-Mail Finden Als Freund hinzufügen
Wbb-Service Team Wbb-Service Team ist männlich

Dabei seit: 26.12.04
Beiträge: 41
Forenversion: 2.1.6

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waaaaaaahhhh.... :stinkt :stinkt :stinkt :stinkt :stinkt :stinkt :stinkt :stinkt :stinkt :stinkt

ich bin ja so blöd.... hab deine 2. htaccess ins boardverzeichnis gepackt, und mich gewundert warum ich nen serverfehler bekomm....

:motz :motz :motz

Es sind noch G-Mail Accounts zu vergeben!!
Mail an:

10.05.05 17:31 Wbb-Service Team ist offline E-Mail WWW Finden Als Freund hinzufügen

Dabei seit: 11.02.05
Beiträge: 76

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Mal ne ganz doofe Frage. Sieht das Board nach dem einhacken von ModRewrite anders aus, oder wird einfach nur aus "php" -> "htm" ?

Weil wenn das danach für Gäste kacke aussieht is es ja extrem nachteilhaft...
06.06.05 03:35 Reddisch ist offline E-Mail Finden Als Freund hinzufügen

Dabei seit: 18.06.05
Beiträge: 2

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Ich hätte gerne auch so ein hack womit ich PHP in html ausgeben kann nur ich denn Hack nicht runterladen könnte mir einer so ein Hack per Email schicken

Danke im Vorraus
09.08.05 14:22 gdo ist offline E-Mail Finden Als Freund hinzufügen

Dabei seit: 18.06.05
Beiträge: 2

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Ich habe die Version 2.3.3 und ich habe es schon Probiert hin und her aber es hat ein fach nicht geklappt kann mir einer den Richtigen Code geben: BITTE

Ich habe mal den Inhalt von class_tpl_file.php eingefügt

// ***************************************************************************
// * WoltLab Burning Board 2
// ***************************************************************************
// * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 WoltLab GmbH
// * Web
// * License
// *
// ***************************************************************************
// * WoltLab Burning Board 2 is NOT free software.
// * You may not redistribute this package or any of it's files.
// ***************************************************************************
// * $Date: 2004-10-20 13:24:57 +0200 (Wed, 20 Oct 2004) $
// * $Author: Burntime $
// * $Rev: 1453 $
// ***************************************************************************

class tpl {

var $templates = array();
var $templatepackid = 0;
var $path = ".";

/* constuctor */
function tpl($templatepackid = 0, $path = ".") {
$this->templatepackid = $templatepackid;
$this->path = $path;

/* get template */
function get($templatename, $isacp = 0) {
// board template
if ($isacp == 0) {
if (!isset($this->templates[$templatename])) {

// get templatepackid
if ($this->templatepackid != 0) {
global $wbbuserdata;
if (!is_array($wbbuserdata['templatestructure'])) {
$wbbuserdata['templatestructure'] = unserialize($wbbuserdata['templatestructure']);
$templatepackid = $wbbuserdata['templatestructure'][$templatename];
else $templatepackid = 0;

// include template
if (file_exists($this->path."/cache/templates/".$templatepackid."_".$templaten
ame.".php")) {
else $this->templates[$templatename] = "template &quot;".$templatename."&quot; doesnt exist";

return $this->templates[$templatename];

// acp template
else {
if (!isset($this->templates['acp_'.$templatename])) {
if (file_exists($this->path."/cache/templates/acp/".$templatename.".php")) {
else $this->templates['acp_'.$templatename] = "template &quot;".$templatename."&quot; doesnt exist";

return $this->templates['acp_'.$templatename];

/* print template */
function output($template, $isacp = 0) {

Und hier die thread.php

// ***************************************************************************
// * WoltLab Burning Board 2
// ***************************************************************************
// * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 WoltLab GmbH
// * Web
// * License
// *
// ***************************************************************************
// * WoltLab Burning Board 2 is NOT free software.
// * You may not redistribute this package or any of it's files.
// ***************************************************************************
// * $Date: 2005-06-16 15:16:14 +0200 (Thu, 16 Jun 2005) $
// * $Author: Burntime $
// * $Rev: 1621 $
// ***************************************************************************

$filename = 'thread.php';


if ((!isset($postid) && !isset($threadid)) || $thread['closed'] == 3) error($lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_ERROR_FALSELINK", array('$adminmail' => $adminmail)));
if (!checkpermissions("can_read_thread")) access_error();

/** Thread Class **/
class Thread {
* @var integer threadid
var $threadid = 0;

* @var string pagelink
var $pagelink = "";

* @var integer page
var $page = 0;

* @var integer pages
var $pages = 0;

* @var string postids
var $postids = "";

* @var string orderby
var $orderBy = "";

* @var array userfieldcache
var $userfieldcache = array();

* @var object parse
var $parse;

* @var array attachmentArray
var $attachmentArray = array();

* @var boolean readAttachments
var $readAttachments = false;

* parse a message and generate postbit
* @param array posts
* @param integer count
* @param integer indentwidth
* @return string postbit
function makePostBit($posts, $count, $indentwidth = 0) {
global $thread, $board, $tpl, $wbbuserdata, $style, $lang, $session, $userratings, $showuserratinginthread, $showuserlevels, $showonlineinthread, $useronlinetimeout, $showregdateinthread, $showuserfieldsinthread, $showgenderinthread, $showavatar, $_GET, $showthreadstarter, $showuserpostsinthread, $allowsigsmilies, $allowsightml, $allowsigbbcode, $max_sig_image, $authormarking, $picmaxwidth, $picmaxheight, $allowflashavatar, $thumbnailsperrow, $SID_ARG_1ST, $SID_ARG_2ND, $SID_ARG_2ND_UN;
if ($this->userfieldcache) reset($this->userfieldcache);
$userrating = '';
$signature = '';
$lastedit = '';
$user_online = '';
$userfields = '';
$useravatar = '';
$rankimages = '';
$setvisible = '';
$userlevel = '';
$posts['username'] = htmlconverter($posts['username']);
$username = $posts['username'];

/** mod / admin option -> set visible post **/
if ($posts['visible'] == 0 && $posts['posttime'] != $thread['starttime']) $invisible = 1;
else $invisible = 0;

$tdclass = getone($count, 'tableb', 'tablea');

// use postcache if possible
if ($posts['cache']) $posts['message'] = $this->parse->parseCache($posts['cache']);
else $posts['message'] = $this->parse->doparse($posts['message'], $posts['allowsmilies'], $posts['allowhtml'], $posts['allowbbcode'], $posts['allowimages']);

$posts['posttopic'] = htmlconverter(textwrap($posts['posttopic']));
if ($posts['iconid']) $posticon = makeimgtag($posts['iconpath'], getlangvar($posts['icontitle'], $lang), 0);
else $posticon = '';
if ($posts['posttime'] > $thread['lastvisit']) $newpost = 1;
else $newpost = 0;

$postdate = formatdate($wbbuserdata['dateformat'], $posts['posttime'], 1);
$posttime = formatdate($wbbuserdata['timeformat'], $posts['posttime']);

// show attachments
$attachments = '';
$attachment_thumbnailCount = 0;
$attachmentbit = '';
$attachmentbit_img = '';
$attachmentbit_img_small = '';
$attachmentbit_img_thumbnails = '';

if (isset($this->attachmentArray[$posts['postid']]) && count($this->attachmentArray[$posts['postid']])) {

foreach ($this->attachmentArray[$posts['postid']] as $attachment) {
$attachment['attachmentextension'] = htmlconverter($attachment['attachmentextension']);
$attachment['attachmentname'] = htmlconverter(textwrap($attachment['attachmentname']));

// attachment is an image, display it directly
if (checkpermissions('can_download_attachments') == 1 && $wbbuserdata['showimages'] == 1 && $wbbuserdata['can_download_attachments'] == 1 && ($attachment['attachmentextension'] == 'gif' || $attachment['attachmentextension'] == 'jpg' || $attachment['attachmentextension'] == 'jpeg' || $attachment['attachmentextension'] == 'png')) {
if ($attachment['thumbnailextension'] != '') {
if ($attachment_thumbnailCount && ($attachment_thumbnailCount % $thumbnailsperrow) == 0) $thumbnailNewline = true;
else $thumbnailNewline = false;
else $LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL = $lang->get("LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENTS_IMAGE_SMALL", array('$username' => $username));

eval("\$attachmentbit_img_thumbnails .= \"".$tpl->get("thread_attachmentbit_show_thumbnail")."\";");
else {
$imgsize = @getimagesize("./attachments/attachment-$attachment[attachmentid].$attachme

if (($picmaxwidth != 0 && $imgsize[0] > $picmaxwidth) || ($picmaxheight != 0 && $imgsize[1] > $picmaxheight)) {
if ($picmaxwidth != 0) $div1 = $picmaxwidth / $imgsize[0];
else $div1 = 1;
if ($picmaxheight != 0) $div2 = $picmaxheight / $imgsize[1];
else $div2 = 1;

if ($div1 < $div2) {
$attachment['imgwidth'] = $picmaxwidth;
$attachment['imgheight'] = round($imgsize[1] * $div1);
else {
$attachment['imgheight'] = $picmaxheight;
$attachment['imgwidth'] = round($imgsize[0] * $div2);

else $LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE_SMALL = $lang->get("LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENTS_IMAGE_SMALL", array('$username' => $username));

eval("\$attachmentbit_img_small .= \"".$tpl->get("thread_attachmentbit_show_small")."\";");
else {
if (!isset($LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE)) $LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE = $lang->get("LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE", array('$username' => $username));
else $LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE = $lang->get("LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENTS_IMAGE", array('$username' => $username));

eval("\$attachmentbit_img .= \"".$tpl->get("thread_attachmentbit_show")."\";");
else {
if (!file_exists($style['imagefolder']."/filetypes/".$attachment['attachmentex
tension'].".gif")) $extensionimage = "unknown";
else $extensionimage = $attachment['attachmentextension'];
if ($attachment['counter'] >= 1000) $attachment['counter'] = number_format($attachment['counter'], 0, "", $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));
$attachment['attachmentsize'] = formatFilesize($attachment['attachmentsize']);
$LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENT_INFO = $lang->get("LANG_THREAD_ATTACHMENT_INFO", array('$attachmentsize' => $attachment['attachmentsize'], '$counter' => $attachment['counter']));

eval("\$attachmentbit .= \"".$tpl->get("thread_attachmentbit")."\";");
eval("\$attachments = \"".$tpl->get("thread_attachments")."\";");

if ($posts['editorid']) {
$editdate = formatdate($wbbuserdata['dateformat'], $posts['edittime'], 1);
$edittime = formatdate($wbbuserdata['timeformat'], $posts['edittime']);
$posts['editor'] = htmlconverter($posts['editor']);

$LANG_THREAD_EDITOR = $lang->get("LANG_THREAD_EDITOR", array('$editcount' => $posts['editcount'], '$editor' => $posts['editor'], '$editdate' => $editdate, '$edittime' => $edittime));

if ($posts['userid']) {
$posts['homepage'] = htmlconverter($posts['homepage']);
$posts['email'] = getASCIICodeString($posts['email']);

$rankimages = formatRI($posts['rankimages']);
if ($posts['title']) $posts['ranktitle'] = htmlconverter($posts['title']);
else $posts['ranktitle'] = getlangvar($posts['ranktitle'], $lang);

if ($userratings == 1 && $showuserratinginthread == 1) $userrating = userrating($posts['ratingcount'], $posts['ratingpoints'], $posts['userid']);
if ($showuserlevels == 1) $userlevel = userlevel($posts['userposts'], $posts['regdate']);

if ($showonlineinthread == 1) {
if (($posts['invisible'] == 0 || $wbbuserdata['a_can_view_ghosts'] == 1) && $posts['lastactivity'] >= time() - $useronlinetimeout * 60) {
$user_online = 1;
$LANG_MEMBERS_USERONLINE = $lang->get("LANG_MEMBERS_USERONLINE", array('$username' => $username));
else {
$user_online = 0;
$LANG_MEMBERS_USERONLINE = $lang->get("LANG_MEMBERS_USEROFFLINE", array('$username' => $username));

if ($showregdateinthread == 1) $posts['regdate'] = formatdate($wbbuserdata['dateformat'], $posts['regdate']);

if ($showuserfieldsinthread == 1 && is_array($this->userfieldcache) && count($this->userfieldcache)) {
while (list($key, $val) = each($this->userfieldcache)) {
$fieldcontent = textwrap($posts["field".$val['profilefieldid']], 20);
if ($fieldcontent && $fieldcontent != "0000-00-00") {
if ($val['fieldtype'] == "multiselect") $fieldcontent = str_replace("\n", "; ", $fieldcontent);
elseif ($val['fieldtype'] == "date") {
$row_datearray = explode("-", $fieldcontent);
if ($row_datearray[0] == "0000") $fieldcontent = $row_datearray[2].".".$row_datearray[1].".";
else $fieldcontent = $row_datearray[2].".".$row_datearray[1].".".$row_datearray[0];
$fieldcontent = htmlconverter($fieldcontent);
eval("\$userfields .= \"".$tpl->get("thread_userfields")."\";");

if ($showgenderinthread == 0) $posts['gender'] = 0;
if ($posts['gender'] == 1) $LANG_THREAD_MALE = $lang->get("LANG_THREAD_MALE", array('$username' => $username));
if ($posts['gender'] == 2) $LANG_THREAD_FEMALE = $lang->get("LANG_THREAD_FEMALE", array('$username' => $username));

if ($posts['showemail'] == 1 || $posts['usercanemail'] == 1) $LANG_MEMBERS_SENDEMAIL = $lang->get("LANG_MEMBERS_SENDEMAIL", array('$username' => $username));
if ($posts['homepage']) $LANG_MEMBERS_HOMEPAGE = $lang->get("LANG_MEMBERS_HOMEPAGE", array('$username' => $username));

$LANG_MEMBERS_SEARCH = $lang->get("LANG_MEMBERS_SEARCH", array('$username' => $username));
$LANG_MEMBERS_BUDDY = $lang->get("LANG_MEMBERS_BUDDY", array('$username' => $username));

if ($posts['receivepm'] == 1 && $wbbuserdata['can_use_pms'] == 1) $LANG_MEMBERS_PM = $lang->get("LANG_MEMBERS_PM", array('$username' => $username));

if ($posts['icq']) $LANG_MEMBERS_ICQ = $lang->get("LANG_MEMBERS_ICQ", array('$username' => $username));
if ($posts['aim']) {
$posts['aim'] = htmlconverter($posts['aim']);
$aim = $posts['aim'];
$LANG_MEMBERS_AIM = $lang->get("LANG_MEMBERS_AIM", array('$username' => $username, '$aim' => $aim));
if ($posts['yim']) {
$posts['yim'] = htmlconverter($posts['yim']);
$yim = $posts['yim'];
$LANG_MEMBERS_YIM = $lang->get("LANG_MEMBERS_YIM", array('$username' => $username, '$yim' => $yim));
if ($posts['msn']) {
$posts['msn'] = htmlconverter($posts['msn']);
$LANG_MEMBERS_MSN = $lang->get("LANG_MEMBERS_MSN", array('$username' => $username));

if ($posts['avatarid'] && $showavatar == 1 && $wbbuserdata['showavatars'] == 1) {
$avatarname = "images/avatars/avatar-$posts[avatarid].".htmlconverter($posts['avatarexten
$avatarwidth = $posts['width'];
$avatarheight = $posts['height'];
if ($posts['avatarextension'] == "swf" && $allowflashavatar == 1) eval("\$useravatar = \"".$tpl->get("avatar_flash")."\";");
elseif ($posts['avatarextension'] != "swf") eval("\$useravatar = \"".$tpl->get("avatar_image")."\";");

if ($authormarking == 1 && $posts['useronlinemarking'] != '') $posts['username'] = sprintf($posts['useronlinemarking'], $posts['username']);
if (isset($_GET['hilightuser']) && $_GET['hilightuser'] == $posts['userid']) $posts['username'] = "<span class=\"highlight\">".$posts['username']."</span>";

if ($showthreadstarter == 1 && $thread['starterid'] == $posts['userid'] && $thread['starttime'] != $posts['posttime']) {
$threadstarter = 1;
$LANG_THREAD_THREADSTARTER_ALT = $lang->get("LANG_THREAD_THREADSTARTER_ALT", array('$starter' => htmlconverter($thread['starter'])));
else $threadstarter = 0;

if ($posts['showsignature'] == 1 && !$posts['disablesignature'] && $wbbuserdata['showsignatures'] == 1 && $posts['signature']) {
$posts['signature'] = $this->parse->doparse($posts['signature'], $posts['allowsigsmilies'], $posts['allowsightml'], $posts['allowsigbbcode'], $posts['allowsigimages']);
eval("\$signature = \"".$tpl->get("thread_signature")."\";");

if ($showuserpostsinthread == 1 && $posts['userposts'] >= 1000) $posts['userposts'] = number_format($posts['userposts'], 0, "", $lang->get("LANG_GLOBAL_THOUSANDS_SEP"));

eval("\$postbit = \"".$tpl->get("thread_postbit")."\";");
return $postbit;

* jump to last post
* @return void
function lastpost() {
global $visible, $SID_ARG_2ND_UN, $db, $n, $url2board;
$result = $db->query_first("SELECT postid FROM bb".$n."_posts WHERE threadid = '".$this->threadid."' $visible ORDER BY posttime DESC", 1);
header("Location: thread.php?postid=".$result['postid'].$SID_ARG_2ND_UN."#post$result[postid]

* jump to first new post
* @param integer lastvisit
* @return void
function firstnew($lastvisit) {
global $visible, $db, $n, $SID_ARG_2ND_UN, $threadid, $url2board;
$result = $db->query_first("SELECT postid FROM bb".$n."_posts WHERE threadid='".$this->threadid."' AND posttime>'".$lastvisit."' $visible ORDER BY posttime ASC", 1);
if ($result['postid']) header("Location: thread.php?postid=".$result['postid'].$SID_ARG_2ND_UN."#post$result[postid]
else header("Location: thread.php?goto=lastpost&threadid=".$threadid.$SID_ARG_2ND_UN);

* jump to next newest thread
* @return void
function nextnewest() {
global $db, $n, $thread, $boardid, $tpl, $lang, $threadid, $wbbuserdata, $REMOTE_ADDR;
$result = $db->query_first("SELECT threadid FROM bb".$n."_threads WHERE visible = 1 AND lastposttime>'$thread[lastposttime]' AND closed <> 3 AND boardid = '$boardid' ORDER BY lastposttime ASC", 1);
if (!$result['threadid']) error($lang->get("LANG_THREAD_ERROR_NONEXTNEWEST"));
$threadid = $result['threadid'];
$this->threadid = $threadid;

$select = ", AS isvoted";
$join = " LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_votes v ON ( AND v.votemode=2 AND ".(($wbbuserdata['userid']) ? ("v.userid='".$wbbuserdata['userid']."'") : ("v.ipaddress='".addslashes($REMOTE_ADDR)."'")).")";

if ($wbbuserdata['userid']) {
$select .= ", tv.lastvisit, s.emailnotify, s.countemails";
$join .= " LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_threadvisit tv ON (tv.threadid=t.threadid AND tv.userid='".$wbbuserdata['userid']."')
LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_subscribethreads s ON (s.userid='".$wbbuserdata['userid']."' AND s.threadid=t.threadid)";

$thread = $db->query_first("SELECT t.*".$select." FROM bb".$n."_threads t".$join." WHERE t.threadid = '".$this->threadid."'");

* jump to next oldest thread
* @return void
function nextoldest() {
global $db, $n, $thread, $boardid, $tpl, $lang, $threadid, $wbbuserdata, $REMOTE_ADDR;
$result = $db->query_first("SELECT threadid FROM bb".$n."_threads WHERE visible = 1 AND lastposttime<'$thread[lastposttime]' AND closed <> 3 AND boardid = '$boardid' ORDER BY lastposttime DESC", 1);
if (!$result['threadid']) error($lang->get("LANG_THREAD_ERROR_NONEXTOLDEST"));
$threadid = $result['threadid'];
$this->threadid = $threadid;
$thread = $db->query_first("SELECT * FROM bb".$n."_threads WHERE threadid = '$threadid'");

$select = ", AS isvoted";
$join = " LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_votes v ON ( AND v.votemode=2 AND ".(($wbbuserdata['userid']) ? ("v.userid='".$wbbuserdata['userid']."'") : ("v.ipaddress='".addslashes($REMOTE_ADDR)."'")).")";

if ($wbbuserdata['userid']) {
$select .= ", tv.lastvisit, s.emailnotify, s.countemails";
$join .= " LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_threadvisit tv ON (tv.threadid=t.threadid AND tv.userid='".$wbbuserdata['userid']."')
LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_subscribethreads s ON (s.userid='".$wbbuserdata['userid']."' AND s.threadid=t.threadid)";

$thread = $db->query_first("SELECT t.*".$select." FROM bb".$n."_threads t".$join." WHERE t.threadid = '".$this->threadid."'");

* create links to further pages
* @return void
function makePagelink() {
global $SID_ARG_2ND, $threadview, $hilight, $hilightuser, $showpagelinks;
$this->pagelink = makepagelink("thread.php?threadid=".$this->threadid."&amp;threadview=$threa
D_ARG_2ND, $this->page, $this->pages, $showpagelinks - 1);

* read post information from database
* @return resource result
function readPosts() {
global $docensor, $board, $wbbuserdata, $hilight, $usecode, $showuserfieldsinthread, $db, $n, $showavatar, $authormarking, $lang;
$this->parse = &new parse($docensor, 75, $wbbuserdata['showimages'], $hilight, $usecode);

if ($this->readAttachments) {
$result = $db->unbuffered_query("SELECT postid, attachmentid, attachmentname, attachmentextension, attachmentsize, counter, thumbnailextension FROM bb".$n."_attachments WHERE postid IN (0".$this->postids.") ORDER BY uploadtime");
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
$this->attachmentArray[$row['postid']][$row['attachmentid']] = $row;

if ($showuserfieldsinthread == 1) {
$userfields = ", uf.*";
$userfieldsjoin = "LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_userfields uf ON (uf.userid=p.userid)";
$result = $db->unbuffered_query("SELECT profilefieldid, title, fieldtype FROM bb".$n."_profilefields WHERE showinthread=1".(($wbbuserdata['a_can_view_hidden'] == 0) ? (" AND hidden=0") : (""))." ORDER BY fieldorder ASC");
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
$row['title'] = getlangvar($row['title'], $lang);
$this->userfieldcache[] = $row;
else {
$userfields = '';
$userfieldsjoin = '';

if ($showavatar == 1) {
$avatar = ", av.avatarid, av.avatarextension, av.width, av.height";
$avatarjoin = "LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_avatars av ON (u.avatarid=av.avatarid)";
else {
$avatar = '';
$avatarjoin = '';

if ($authormarking == 1) {
$marking = ", g.useronlinemarking";
$markingjoin = "LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_groups g ON (u.useronlinegroupid=g.groupid)";
else {
$marking = '';
$markingjoin = '';

$result = $db->query("SELECT p.*, pc.cache,
u.userposts, u.regdate, u.signature,, u.homepage, u.icq, u.aim, u.yim, u.msn, u.showemail, u.receivepm, u.usercanemail, u.ratingcount, u.ratingpoints, u.gender, u.invisible, u.title, u.lastactivity, u.allowsigsmilies, u.allowsightml, u.allowsigbbcode, u.allowsigimages, u.disablesignature,
r.ranktitle, r.rankimages,
i.iconpath, i.icontitle
FROM bb".$n."_posts p
LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_users u USING (userid)
LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_ranks r USING (rankid)
LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_icons i ON (p.iconid=i.iconid)
LEFT JOIN bb".$n."_postcache pc ON (p.postid=pc.postid)
WHERE p.postid IN (0".$this->postids.")".$this->orderBy);

return $result;

/** FlatThread Class **/
class FlatThread extends Thread {

* constructor
* @param integer threadid
function FlatThread($threadid) {
$this->threadid = $threadid;

* get and stores the pagenumber of a certain message
* @param integer postid
* @return void
function gotoPost($postid) {
global $db, $n, $visible, $postorder, $postsperpage, $_GET;
if ($postorder == 0) $result = $db->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS posts FROM bb".$n."_posts WHERE threadid='".$this->threadid."' AND postid<='$postid' $visible");
else $result = $db->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS posts FROM bb".$n."_posts WHERE threadid='$threadid' AND postid>='$postid' $visible");
$_GET['page'] = ceil($result['posts'] / $postsperpage);

* parse messages and returns complete postbit
* @return string postbit
function start() {
global $postorder, $db;

$this->orderBy = "ORDER BY p.posttime ".(($postorder) ? ("DESC") : ("ASC"));

$count = 0;
$postbit = '';
$result = $this->readPosts();
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) $postbit .= $this->makePostBit($row, $count++);

return $postbit;

* get and stores the postids of the current page
* @return void
function getPostIds() {
global $visible, $db, $n, $_GET, $postsperpage, $postorder, $thread;
$postcount = $thread['replycount'] + 1;

if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
$this->page = intval($_GET['page']);
if ($this->page == 0) $this->page = 1;
else $this->page = 1;

$this->pages = ceil($postcount / $postsperpage);
if ($this->pages > 1) $this->makePagelink();

$result = $db->unbuffered_query("SELECT postid, attachments FROM bb".$n."_posts WHERE threadid = '".$this->threadid."' $visible ORDER BY posttime ".(($postorder) ? ("DESC") : ("ASC")), 0, $postsperpage, $postsperpage * ($this->page - 1));
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
$this->postids .= ",".$row['postid'];
if ($row['attachments']) $this->readAttachments = true;

/** ThreadedThread Class **/
class ThreadedThread extends Thread {

* @var integer offset
var $offset = 0;

* @var integer offset2
var $offset2 = 0;

* @var array cache
var $cache = array();

* @var array list
var $list = array();

* @var integer max
var $max = -1;

* @var integer total
var $total = 0;

* @var integer cout
var $count = 0;

* @var string postbitlist
var $postbitlist = '';

* constructor
* @param integer threadid
function ThreadedThread($threadid) {
$this->threadid = $threadid;

* get and stores the pagenumber of a certain message
* @param integer postid
* @return void
function gotoPost($postid) {
global $_GET, $postsperpage, $db, $n, $visible;

$result = $db->query("SELECT postid, parentpostid, attachments FROM bb".$n."_posts WHERE threadid='".$this->threadid."' $visible ORDER BY posttime ASC");
$this->total = $db->num_rows($result);
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
$this->cache[$row['parentpostid']][$row['postid']] = 1;
if ($row['attachments']) $this->readAttachments = true;

$_GET['page'] = ceil($this->count / $postsperpage);

* get and stores the number of a certain message in threaded view
* @param integer postid
* @param integer count
* @param integer parentid
* @return void
function countPosts($finalpostid, $count = 0, $parentid = 0) {
if (!isset($this->cache[$parentid])) return $count;

while (list($postid, ) = each($this->cache[$parentid])) {
if ($postid == $finalpostid) {
$this->count = $count;
$count = $this->countPosts($finalpostid, $count, $postid);

return $count;

* parse messages and returns complete postbit
* @return string postbit
function start() {
global $db, $n, $postsperpage, $_GET, $visible;

if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
$this->page = intval($_GET['page']);
if ($this->page == 0) $this->page = 1;
else $this->page = 1;

$this->offset = $postsperpage * ($this->page - 1);
$this->offset2 = $this->offset + $postsperpage;

if (count($this->cache) == 0) {
$result = $db->query("SELECT postid, parentpostid, attachments FROM bb".$n."_posts WHERE threadid='".$this->threadid."' $visible ORDER BY posttime ASC");
$this->total = $db->num_rows($result);
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
$this->cache[$row['parentpostid']][$row['postid']] = 1;
if ($row['attachments']) $this->readAttachments = true;

$this->pages = ceil($this->total / $postsperpage);
if ($this->pages > 1) $this->makePagelink();

if ($this->max > 0) $this->sync();
$result = $this->readPosts();

while ($posts = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
$temp = $this->list[$posts['postid']];
$this->list[$posts['postid']] = $posts;
$this->list[$posts['postid']]['depth'] = $temp;

$count = 0;
$postbit = '';
while (list($postid, ) = each($this->list)) {
$postbit .= $this->makePostBit($this->list[$postid], $count++, $this->list[$postid]['depth'] * 15);
$this->postbitlist .= $this->makePostBitList($this->list[$postid], $this->list[$postid]['depth'] * 15);
return $postbit;

* calculates the depth of the threaded view
* @param integer parentid
* @param integer count
* @param integer depth
* @return integer count
function generate($parentid = 0, $count = 0, $depth = 0) {
if (!isset($this->cache[$parentid])) return $count;

while (list($postid, ) = each($this->cache[$parentid])) {
if ($count >= $this->offset && $count < $this->offset2) {
if ($this->max == -1) $this->max = $depth;
if ($depth < $this->max) $this->max = $depth;

$this->list[$postid] = $depth;
$this->postids .= ",".$postid;
$count = $this->generate($postid, $count, $depth + 1);

return $count;

* generates a postlist
* @param array posts
* @param integer imgwidth
* @return string postlist
function makePostBitList($posts, $imgwidth = 0) {
global $tpl, $wbbuserdata, $lang, $SID_ARG_1ST, $SID_ARG_2ND, $SID_ARG_2ND_UN, $style, $thread;

$postdate = formatdate($wbbuserdata['dateformat'], $posts['posttime']);
$posttime = formatdate($wbbuserdata['timeformat'], $posts['posttime']);

if (!$posts['posttopic']) $posts['posttopic'] = "RE: ".$thread['topic'];
$posts['posttopic'] = htmlconverter(textwrap($posts['posttopic']));
$posts['username'] = htmlconverter(textwrap($posts['username'], 30));

if ($posts['posttime'] > $thread['lastvisit']) $newpost = 1;
else $newpost = 0;

eval("\$postbit = \"".$tpl->get("thread_postbitlist")."\";");
return $postbit;

* calculates the depth of the threaded view
* @return void
function sync() {
while (list($postid, $depth) = each($this->list)) $this->list[$postid] = $depth - $this->max;

if (checkmodpermissions()) $visible = '';
else $visible = "AND visible=1";

if (isset($_REQUEST['threadview'])) $threadview = intval($_REQUEST['threadview']);
else $threadview = $wbbuserdata['threadview'];

if (isset($_REQUEST['hilight'])) $hilight = urldecode($_REQUEST['hilight']);
else $hilight = '';

if (isset($_REQUEST['hilightuser'])) $hilightuser = intval($_REQUEST['hilightuser']);
else $hilightuser = 0;

if (!isset($_REQUEST['goto'])) $_REQUEST['goto'] = '';

if ($threadview == 1) $t = &new ThreadedThread($threadid);
else $t = &new FlatThread($threadid);

/* goto actions 1 */
if ($_REQUEST['goto'] == "lastpost") $t->lastpost();
if ($_REQUEST['goto'] == "nextnewest") $t->nextnewest();
if ($_REQUEST['goto'] == "nextoldest") $t->nextoldest();

/* threadvisit */
if ($board['lastvisit'] > $thread['lastvisit']) $thread['lastvisit'] = $board['lastvisit'];
if ($wbbuserdata['lastvisit'] > $thread['lastvisit']) $thread['lastvisit'] = $wbbuserdata['lastvisit'];

/* goto actions 2 */
if ($_REQUEST['goto'] == "firstnew") $t->firstnew($thread['lastvisit']);
if ($_REQUEST['goto'] == "firstnew_thread") $t->firstnew($wbbuserdata['lastvisit']);

if ($wbbuserdata['umaxposts']) $postsperpage = $wbbuserdata['umaxposts'];
elseif ($board['postsperpage']) $postsperpage = $board['postsperpage'];
else $postsperpage = $default_postsperpage;
$postorder = $board['postorder'];

if (isset($postid)) $t->gotoPost($postid);

$db->unbuffered_query("UPDATE bb".$n."_threads SET views=views+1 WHERE threadid='$threadid'", 1);
if ($wbbuserdata['userid'] && $thread['lastposttime'] > $thread['lastvisit']) $db->unbuffered_query("REPLACE INTO bb".$n."_threadvisit (threadid,userid,lastvisit) VALUES ('".$threadid."','".$wbbuserdata['userid']."','".time()."')", 1);

$boardnavcache = array();
if ($showboardjump == 1) $boardjump = makeboardjump($boardid);
$navbar = getNavbar($board['parentlist']);
eval("\$navbar .= \"".$tpl->get("navbar_board")."\";");

$postbit = $t->start();
$thread_poll = '';
if ($thread['pollid']) {
if (checkmodpermissions("m_can_edit_poll")) eval("\$mod_poll_edit = \"".$tpl->get("thread_poll_edit")."\";");

$poll = $db->query_first("SELECT * FROM bb".$n."_polls WHERE pollid='$thread[pollid]'");
$poll['question'] = htmlconverter($poll['question']);

if ($poll['timeout'] == 0) $timeout = time() + 1;
else $timeout = $poll['starttime'] + $poll['timeout'] * 86400;
if ($_REQUEST['preresult'] != 1 && checkpermissions("can_vote_poll") == 1 && $timeout >= time()) {
if ($wbbuserdata['userid']) $votecheck = $db->query_first("SELECT id AS pollid FROM bb".$n."_votes WHERE id='$thread[pollid]' AND votemode=1 AND userid='$wbbuserdata[userid]'");
else $votecheck = $db->query_first("SELECT id AS pollid FROM bb".$n."_votes WHERE id='$thread[pollid]' AND votemode=1 AND ipaddress='$REMOTE_ADDR'");

// already voted; show result
if ($_REQUEST['preresult'] == 1 || $votecheck['pollid'] || !checkpermissions("can_vote_poll") || $timeout < time()) {
$votes = 0;
$totalvotes = 0;
$polloptions = array();
$result = $db->unbuffered_query("SELECT * FROM bb".$n."_polloptions WHERE pollid='$thread[pollid]' ORDER BY votes DESC");
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
$totalvotes += $row['votes'];
$polloptions[] = $row;

$i = 1;
if (count($polloptions)) {
while (list($key, $row) = each($polloptions)) {
$row['polloption'] = htmlconverter(textwrap($row['polloption']));
if ($totalvotes) {
$percent_float = $row['votes'] * 100 / $totalvotes;
$percent = number_format($percent_float, 2);
$percent_int = floor($percent_float) * 3;
$percent_int += 1;
else $percent = $percent_int = 0;
eval("\$thread_poll_resultbit .= \"".$tpl->get("thread_poll_resultbit")."\";");
if ($i == 5) $i = 0;

$lang->items['LANG_THREAD_POLL_VOTES'] = $lang->get("LANG_THREAD_POLL_VOTES", array('$totalvotes' => $totalvotes));
eval("\$thread_poll = \"".$tpl->get("thread_poll_result")."\";");
else {
if ($poll['choicecount'] > 1) $inputtype = "checkbox";
else $inputtype = "radio";

$result = $db->unbuffered_query("SELECT * FROM bb".$n."_polloptions WHERE pollid='$thread[pollid]' ORDER BY showorder ASC");
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
$row['polloption'] = htmlconverter(textwrap($row['polloption']));
eval("\$thread_pollbit .= \"".$tpl->get("thread_pollbit")."\";");

eval("\$thread_poll = \"".$tpl->get("thread_poll")."\";");

if ($board['allowratings'] == 1) {
$colors = createGradient($style['gradientleft'], $style['gradientmiddle'], $style['gradientright']);
if ($thread['voted'] && $thread['voted'] >= $showvotes) $threadrating = threadrating($thread['votepoints'], $thread['voted']);
else $threadrating = '';

if ($board['closed'] == 0) eval("\$newthread = \"".$tpl->get("board_newthread")."\";");
if ($thread['closed'] != 0) eval("\$addreply = \"".$tpl->get("thread_closed")."\";");
elseif ($board['closed'] == 0) eval("\$addreply = \"".$tpl->get("thread_addreply")."\";");

$thread['topic'] = htmlconverter(textwrap($thread['topic']));

if ($board['emailnotify'] == 1 && $board['countemails'] != 0) $db->unbuffered_query("UPDATE bb".$n."_subscribeboards SET countemails=0 WHERE userid = '".$wbbuserdata['userid']."' AND boardid = '".$boardid."'", 1);
if ($thread['emailnotify'] == 1 && $thread['countemails'] != 0) $db->unbuffered_query("UPDATE bb".$n."_subscribethreads SET countemails=0 WHERE userid = '".$wbbuserdata['userid']."' AND threadid = '".$threadid."'", 1);

$hilight = htmlconverter($hilight);
12.08.05 11:27 gdo ist offline E-Mail Finden Als Freund hinzufügen
Sould Sould ist männlich


Dabei seit: 17.01.04
Beiträge: 1.073
Forenversion: wbb x.x.x.x.x.x.x

Antworten Zitieren Editieren Melden       UP

Kann man den Hack nichts fürs 2.3.X umschreiben, ich würde ihn auch dringend gebrauchen... wäre echt super von euch !
25.08.05 19:16 Sould ist offline E-Mail WWW Finden Als Freund hinzufügen Füge Sould in deine Kontaktliste ein AIM-Name von Sould: Souldy MSN Passport-Profil von Sould anzeigen
Radiation Radiation ist männlich

Dabei seit: 17.01.04
Beiträge: 2.089
Fähigkeiten: WBB3 Anfänger; WBB2 Profi
Herkunft: Reutlingen
Forenversion: 2.3

Antworten Zitieren Editieren Melden       UP

Der Hack wird für das 2.3 nicht benötigt, hierfür gibt es die Archivfunktion Augen rollen

Mit freundlichem Gruß

Sascha Speidel

25.08.05 19:20 Radiation ist offline E-Mail WWW Finden Als Freund hinzufügen
Sould Sould ist männlich


Dabei seit: 17.01.04
Beiträge: 1.073
Forenversion: wbb x.x.x.x.x.x.x

Antworten Zitieren Editieren Melden       UP

Mein Archiv habe ich Online, möchte aber trotzdem die sessionID für die Gäste weg haben....
25.08.05 19:22 Sould ist offline E-Mail WWW Finden Als Freund hinzufügen Füge Sould in deine Kontaktliste ein AIM-Name von Sould: Souldy MSN Passport-Profil von Sould anzeigen
TheMastaKilla TheMastaKilla ist männlich


Dabei seit: 01.07.04
Beiträge: 89
Herkunft: Lahr (Schwarzwald)

Antworten Zitieren Editieren Melden       UP

Original von Sould
Mein Archiv habe ich Online, möchte aber trotzdem die sessionID für die Gäste weg haben....

Einfach aufs 2.3.3 updaten und weg sind sie Augenzwinkern
Zum Thema Archiv. Das Archiv bringt so gut wie gar nichts wenn man keinen gescheiten PR hat bei Google.

Hier nen kleines Tutorial für das 2.3.x,threadid-757.html

IT Schleuder

Stoppt die Internetgebühr

Dieser Beitrag wurde 4 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von TheMastaKilla: 29.08.05 18:50.

29.08.05 16:34 TheMastaKilla ist offline E-Mail Finden Als Freund hinzufügen
TheMastaKilla TheMastaKilla ist männlich


Dabei seit: 01.07.04
Beiträge: 89
Herkunft: Lahr (Schwarzwald)

Antworten Zitieren Editieren Melden       UP

Ich habe durch überlegen eine alternative entdeckt Augenzwinkern

Beispiel :

<a href="index.html<if($wbbuserdata['userid'])><then>{$SID_ARG_1ST}</then></if>">Start</a>

So wird auf jedenfall nur Usern die Session ID's mitgegeben smile

IT Schleuder

Stoppt die Internetgebühr

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von TheMastaKilla: 06.09.05 17:59.

06.09.05 17:59 TheMastaKilla ist offline E-Mail Finden Als Freund hinzufügen
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